I’m Almost 65 — How Should I Prepare for Medicare?
In Home Care for Adults - one has to receive Medicaid and have a medical condition that requires the direct and ongoing care. In Home Aides are placed in the homes by the R.N at the agency after Carolina Center for Medical Excellence in Raleigh has made a home assessment to determine eligibility. Referrals have to be made by a Physician. Service is to assist and not to replace the help available from family members and community resources. This program serves the needs of 50 or more clients daily.
Title III B is an in home aide service program for 60 years or older persons who are not Medicaid recipients who have personal care needs. Funds are limited and the referral waiting list is very long. The program has a waiting list. Caregiver’s Respite Program – relieve caregivers – limited funds.
Community Alternatives Program CAP/DA- Medicaid in home service designed for persons who are nursing home level of care. The aim is to allow the individual to return to or to remain in the community and live as independently as possible. Private Insurance (Private Pay) the in home services may be provided under some private insurance companies and by private payment. Veterans Administration and Hospice contract with the Dept. of Aging for these services.
Information and assistance, as well as options counseling is provided to seniors age 60 and older. The information service includes informing people about programs and services, identifying the types of assistance they need and connecting them to appropriate service providers. Assistance is for people who require additional help with the service delivery system. This includes planning, referral, coordination of services, follow-up and advocacy. Options counseling provides guidance to individuals as they make informed choices about long term services and supports. This service is directed by the individual or his/ her legal representative.
There are seven senior centers in the county which operate 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. These centers provide community involvement and opportunities for older adults to become physically active, mentally challenged, emotionally supported and socially involved. Each center has a nutrition site for congregate nutrition. There’s Exercise Equipment available for the seniors to use with a physician's permission. They are always planning trips and outings for the seniors with minimum cost. The craft, etc. classes are offered to the seniors 65 or older without charge. The local Community College provides instructors.
Medical Equipment is available for loan to our seniors at each center with no charge if returned undamaged. (RX required from physician)
Congregate Meals are hot meals provided at noon hour in 7 sites in the county, 70,000 meals are served in the program year. These meals are 1/3 the daily recommended dietary allowance for older adults 60 years or older. Persons 60 years or older may attend any of these sites for a nutritious meal and nutrition education and appropriate supportive services to enhance their independence.
A registration form must be completed and signed on the first visit. There is no charge for the meal but a contribution is suggested to share in the cost and help serve additional persons. No one will be denied a meal because they are unable to share in the cost. This program supervisor is Sucreal Jackson. Home Delivered Meals are served out of four of the nutrition sites. Meals are delivered to homebound persons by volunteers. Routes established only in areas with available volunteers. Persons who are 60 years old or older, home bound and only able to go out for medical appointments are eligible. A home assessment is made on each individual, eligibility is determined by the Nutrition Supervisor, Sucreal Jackson sjackson@columbusco.org There is no charge but a consumer contribution would be appreciated, the service will not be denied if failure to share in the cost.
SITE LOCATIONS: Whiteville, Bug Hill, Tabor City, Fair Bluff, Bolton and Chadbourn.
The Medication Assistance Specialist will assist uninsured individuals with obtaining medications free or reduced price by applying through the drug companies for discounts. Income is a factor in eligibility. Monday through Fri 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM *Medicare D recipients in “Coverage Gap” can be assisted also. Funds made possible by the Office of Rural Health and Community Care

827 W Washington St (PO Box 1327)
Whiteville, NC 28472
We are committed to provide services that promote wellness, encourage independence and enhance quality of life for all persons 60 years or older.
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5:00pm
Senior Centers
Bolton Senior Center
Bug Hill Senior Center
Chadbourn Senior Center
East Columbus Senior Center
Fair Bluff Senior Center
Tabor City Senior Center
Whiteville Senior Center
Legal Aid of NC assistance is available by referral. TAX ASSISTANCE – Jan-April – Public Library - call for information – 910-640-3116
REVERSE MORTGAGE INFO: www.nchfa.com/Homebuyers/HOreversemortgage.aspx 910-733-0440 ext.206
All programs have a need for volunteers. Anyone willing to give their time can call 640-6602 and will be directed to program coordinators. Delivery of Meals, serving meals, friendly visits, instructor for craft classes, some office duties, etc.
Volunteers are always welcome at all Senior Centers. Collaboration with RSVP – Alice Paul 910-788-6294
This program is designed to assist persons 60 years or older with conditions which are a risk to their health and safety. Materials only (not labor) are furnished for this program while funding is available, (grab bars, hand rails, ramps, smoke detectors, etc.) A home assessment is required and registration form signed and completed. No charge for this service but contributions accepted. All contributions are put into the program to help with materials. This is not a Home Repair Program.
Contact Us
Name | Title | Phone Number |
Kristie Massey | Director |