Tax Office

Tax office


Notice is hereby given that the following North Carolina Session Law applies to land contained within Columbus County:

SL 2018-113 (SB711)

§ 106-741.  Record notice of proximity to farmlands.

(a) All counties shall require that land records include some form of notice reasonably calculated to alert a person researching the title of a particular tract that such tract is located within one-half mile of a poultry, swine, or dairy qualifying farm or within 600 feet of any other qualifying farm or within one-half mile of a voluntary agricultural district.

(b) In no event shall the county or any of its officers, employees, or agents be held liable in damages for any misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance occurring in good faith in connection with the duties or obligations imposed by any ordinance adopted under subsection (a).

(c) In no event shall any cause of action arise out of the failure of a person researching the title of a particular tract to report to any person the proximity of the tract to a qualifying farm or voluntary agricultural district as defined in the Article.

(d) In no event shall any cause of action arise out of the failure of a person licensed under Chapters 93A or 93E of the General Statutes for failure to report to any person the proximity of a tract to a qualifying farm or voluntary agricultural district as defined in this Article.



Columbus County Tax Office
P.O. Box 1468
Whiteville, NC 28472

To pay your bill online please go to 

Tax Office

Needom Hughes
Needom Hughes
Tax Administrator
Renee Lashley
Renee Lashley
Deputy Tax Collector
Kelsea Gross
Tax Delinquent Assistant
Tina Worley
Tina Worley
Executive Assistant
Madison Woody
Madison Woody
Accounts Receivable Specialist- Collections, Mortgage Payments, Monthly Financial Reporting
Sarah Dudney
Sarah Parker
Customer Service Rep/Accounts Receivable Assistant
Kelsey Ball
Kelsey Ball
Solid Waste (Trash User Fee), Senior Citizen Exemptions
Alexis Sing
Alexis Sing
Personal Property - Single Wide Mobile Homes, Boats, Tractors, Farm Equipment
Michelle Lewis
Michelle Lewis
Business Personal Property - Office Equipment, Industrial Machinery, Solar Farms, etc
Coley Kinlaw
Coley Kinlaw
Improvements (Appraisers)
Jordan Nobles
Jordan Nobles
Improvements (Appraisers)
127 W. Webster St
Chris Formyduval
Chris Formyduval
Land Records Supervisor
Randy Greene
Randy Greene
Legal, Deeds & Estates
Mckenzie Chestnutt
Mckenzie Chestnutt
Jamie Simmons
Jamie Simmons
Land Records Data Analyst