127 W. Webster St, Whiteville, NC 28472
(PO Box 810)
910-641-0766 (fax)
Environmental Health is responsible for ensuring the following programs comply with regulations established by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health.
Environmental Health provides the following services:
- Septic permits for new installations, existing systems, and repair for a failing septic system
- Well permits for new wells
- Water samples for private wells
- Food and Lodging permits and inspections
- Permits and inspection for tattoo facilities
- Permits and inspection for public swimming pools
- Lead poisoning investigations
- Inspection of Childcare facilities
- Limited food service permits
- Temporary food establishment permits
- Complaint investigations
Septic Permit Requirements:
- Septic Program
- Drawing of the property with dimensions of the lot and the house
- 911 address
- Signed owners statement if the applicant is not the property owner
- Check List for Septic Permit
- Septic Prep Acknowledgement (This acknowlegement needs to be completed and uploaded into SmartGov)
- Site Drawing
Well Permit Requirements:
- A well permit is required for new construction or replacement of an existing well.
- 911 address of property.
- Signed owners statement if the applicant is not the property owner. View owner statement pdf for form. No well permit will be issued for new construction if county water is available to the property.
- Well permit fee is $300.00.
Water Sampling
Environmental Health samples well water ONLY. The Environmental Health Specialist will take the sample from your well, please keep in mind water samples can only be taken on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week.
Food and Lodging Plan Review Requirements:
- All new food and lodging facilities must complete a plan review before obtaining a permit to sell food in the State of North Carolina, this includes any remodels as well.
- Completed plan review packet view packet pdf
- Menu and explanation of any specialized processes
- 911 address
- Scaled drawings of proposal
- Fee: $250.00
Tattoo Parlor Permit Application
Temporary Food Establishments
Temporary Food Establishments are required by North Carolina state law to obtain permits from this department before selling any food. A temporary food establishment is an individual or organization that serves food or drink in connection with a fair, carnival, circus, public exhibition, festival, or other similar gathering. If your group is tax exempt and has a 501-C3 form from the IRS please submit with your application you will not receive a permit.
Mobile Food Unit/Pushcart Application
Limited food service application
Child care application
Complaint Investigations
Environmental Health is responsible for investigating complaints received from the public against food and lodging establishments. We are also required to investigate sewage complaints from the public. However, North Carolina does not regulate mold and the identification or inspection of mold complaints. If you have questions about mold please call 919-707-5950.
Swimming Pools
Each swimming season a new permit for the pool and wading pool is required.
Required documentation for a permit:
- Copy of certified pool operator certificate
- Pool Drain Safety Compliance Data pdf
- Drain cover information if drain covers have been replaced since last season
- Fee $225 yearly.