Residents on Peacock Road
The NC Department of Transportation is currently working on a major road construction project on Peacock Road. We have been informed that this project will continue for the next several weeks as NCDOT prepares to pave the road. This project may, at times, interfere with trash collection services in your area. Columbus County Solid Waste, NCDOT, and GFL will be working together to ensure that trash collection services are not interrupted for the residents within this area. GFL will have to alter their routes, which will cause delays to normal pick up times. Please make sure that your trash container is out by the road the night before collection day to ensure that your trash gets collected. If for some unforeseen reason the trash trucks cannot get to your trash container, please leave the container by the roadside and GFL will go back and collect the trash when the property is accessible. If you have any questions or concerns regarding trash collection services, please contact GFL at 910-499-4646.